i think it could be the gout but there are plenty of other things it could be too. do you have any suggestions on what to do to remedy my problem?
- - please include sources - -
Soak them? Have you been exercising a lot?
too much salt in your diet
well at least thats what the docs told my mom
but she also has high blood pressure
Healing Oneself
Hi Amanda
Here is the best remedy/cure you can use. It's called hydrotherapy. Using hot and cold water to generate blood circulation where the body needs it most. THis process has been used for thousands of years and proved to be one of the most productive. Hot water brings blood to the surface and cold water surpresses it downward, in turn generating new blood cells into the diseased part of the body. Ideally, you also want to use pressure (like strong showerheads) to penetrate the body's depths for quicker results. Also intaking cayenne pepper is the internal king circulator. Moves blood like no other.
I would start by getting a bucket of hot water (hot as you can take it) and an ice filled bucket of water. Just go back and forth with each bucket about a minute each. Do this 10 times or so. Do this 2-3 times a day for as long as it takes to heal.
You could use the shower for this method with the hot and ice cold water. A lot more beneficial.
Here is more information about Hydrotherapy and some testimonials for curing big diseases.
How you can use hydrotherapy at home to SPEED - UP any cure.
The best and cheapest thing any human can do to cure their disease is use water therapy.
You need to do two basic things :
1) Apply hot and cold water, as hot as possible and as cold as you can get it, to a diseased area.
2) Take hot and cold showers, or a hot shower, then jump in a bathtub of ice-cold water, or water with 20 - 40 pounds of ice in it.
The purpose of these two techniques is not torture. It is to BLAST blood into sick areas that are not getting enough blood. Until you do that, expect to stay sick.
There was one man who tired the programs for skin cancer, and they did not work. But he omitted one thing: the hot and cold showers. As soon as he did them, his skin cancer went away.
Simple Rules : For those who are frail, use common sense and start slowly. For instance, on babies, use warm water and cool water. Obviously, be gentle.
To get the most results, work yourself up to using as hot as you can stand it - without burning your skin - and as cold as you can stand it. When I do it at home, I don't just use cold water. I found it works much better with bags of ice.
You do this at least twice a day. Once is a hot and cold shower, perhaps three of them if you are real sick. You do seven repetitions of hot and cold. If your shower doesn't get real cold, use ice cubes in a bathtub. If you don't have a bathtub, perhaps rub yourself with a wet, icy towel. Do your best.
Then, always use hot and cold directly on the sick or injured area - not just all over. This is essential.
For the cayenne oil, here is a simple formula.
A Formula for a cayenne heating oil.
Here is a formula anyone can make.
In a glass jar with a tight leakproof lid, place...
5 tablespoons of the HOTTEST cayenne powder you can find (over 250,000 heat units is suggested.) 20 ounces of Jojoba, Olive or Almond oil.
Make it on the New Moon and let it sit until the Full Moon, making sure to shake it every day. On the Full Moon, press or strain off the liquid.
Caution, this can be extremely hot. Start with a little and work your way up in amount.
Common mistakes made by readers who try hydrotherapy.
Due to timidity, readers under use this treatment. They don't do it often enough, and they don't do it strong enough. They don't like to shiver, or they find it uncomfortable. Forget that. To me, continued sickness is more uncomfortable.
For example, when you are really ill, people should do hot and cold showers as much as 30 minutes a day, three times a day, 2 minutes cold and 5 minutes hot.
For people less ill, try 15 minutes once a day, 7 repetitions each of hot and cold.
Use your imagination. One reader saved his wife from a colon operation by using extremely hot and cold wet towels, back and forth, over her intestinal area.
For people with heart problems.
You can put really hot water, in the shower, or with hot towels, right on the chest, and then alternate with ice cold water or ice, and then go back and forth for seven times.
Start mild, depending on the person's strength and vitality. Do not overshock them when they are weak. Use good judgement in everything. You can add hydrotherapy to the herbal compresses for serious heart disorders.
Hydrotherapy cured GANGRENE.
Several months ago, a man in the South had gangrene developing. He is an older man, a diabetic. His doctor said if it wasn't better in days, his right foot was coming off.
He took 6-8 teaspoons a day of extra-extra hot cayenne pepper, in divided doses day and night. He took them in a cold beverage, or it is too hot to get down. The powder form of cayenne is what he used, never capsules. Forget capsules.
Then, he filled two large buckets, one with hot water and one with ice water. He did this and went back and forth. Then he applied a cayenne heating oil to the sick area when he was done. His leg healed, all signs of gangrene are gone.
What he could have done, if he needed to, was to add herbs to the treatment. Here is what can be done, for those who need to know.
Fill a large tub with hot water, add 4 ounces of cayenne pepper powder, 4 ounces of Ginger root powder, and 4 ounces of mustard seed powder. Put these herbs in a dish towel, tie it closed, and put it in the bath like a big tea bag. You will see the water turn orange.
Then, fill a large bucket with cold water plus 10 pounds or more of ice in it. Plastic garbage bins and wash baskets work well for this. Put the leg, or whatever, into the very hot bath for 5 to 10 minutes and then immediately into the cold for at least 2 minutes, but 5 to 8 minutes is much better. Do at least 5 repetitions of this.
A Final word
One of the things that helps out a lot of you reading these old documents and realizing that even if you go to the extreme, you won't be reaching what was done a hundred years ago.
As far out as it appears you are not even approaching the intensity of what the old healers knew they had to do.
These old people had no choice. It didn't seem to extreme because, to them, it was much more extreme to die. So nothing they did seemed extreme.
Again, it is more powerful than herbs - because it is the therapy that gets the herbs through the blood to the sick area.
Best of health to you
Hello Amanda,
If I wore a hat, I'd have to take it off to the gentleman who gave the extremely long answer of all of the icy cold water and hot water several times a day. I understand that there are many people that prefer to handle things themselves these days. However, with what the possible outcome I strongly advise against their water theraphy.
Swollen feet and ankles are nothing to play with. They can be a sign of a much larger problem. Heart Disease, Stroke, and High Blood Pressure. I advise you to contact your primary care physician today if possible and make an appointment.
When you make the appointment, tell them that you want blood work done. Also tell them that your feet and ankles are swollen and for how long this has been going on. Oh, and you want this appointment as soon as possible.
I'm not a doctor. I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It's a disease that attacks the central nervous system with a lot of pain and fatigue. I too suffer for constantly swollen feet and ankles. When my MS doctor saw them, he did blood test and found nothing. When my primary care doctor saw it, she ordered blood test and found that I have an under active thyroid. Which according to her, has nothing to do with my swollenness. BUT! Both doctors were very concerned when they saw my feet and they told me the same thing I just told you.
To this day we don't know why I'm swollen up like this. It will go away for a week or so and then come back with a vengence. To make it easier on your skin. Apply some "Vaseline Intensive Care Total Moisture Dry Skin Lotion" to the entire area. Even going up around your legs a little because I bet you've got some swelling there too.
Good luck sweetie. I'll add your name to my prayer list. May God bless you and keep you safe always. And remember to always speak the truth because the truth will set you free.
(if my spelling is bad I apologize, for my spell check isn't working)
Hi, there. Excess fluids in the tissues follow gravity, so that's why we end up with swollen feet and ankles. There are a variety of things that can cause swollen ankles and feet, including: being on your feet all day; eating excess sodium, food allergies, kidney challenges, and many others. To get the best immediate relief, lie with your legs elevated over your heart for an hour or so. If you can sleep like that, then do.
Also drink LOTS of water, avoid salty foods, and eat as healthily as you can. You may want to keep a "food diary" for several weeks where you write down the foods you eat at each meal, and then write down any physical changes that you notice after eating. Reading through and studying a food diary may indicate that your body reacts negatively to some foods. Eliminating those foods from your diet will help. I also recommend being tested for food allergies. Most "mainstream" MDs won't do food allergy testing, so see if you can find a Naturopath or an Integrative MD who will.
Are you currently taking antibiotics or have an infection in your body? If so, your kidneys are most likely being challenged by the meds and/or the infection. Drinking aloe vera juice helps your body heal itself. A good "tonic tea" that will cleanse your blood, liver and kidneys is to a blend of Dandelion Root, Red Clover, and Burdock Root. Each of those herbs support and cleanse the kidneys and the liver and serve as generaly "tonics" for the entire body.
How long have you been having this swelling, also called "edema"? You should see a doctor to get a medical opinion. Your doctor may want to run some kidney tests, but that is unlikely. I wish you the best of luck!
Orignal From: what if you have swollen feet and ankles?
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