
Why does my big toe hurt?

Why does my big toe hurt?One day i woke up and all of a suddenly my Big toe on my right foot started to hurt around the center ( i think that's the joint).I did not do anything the night before to hurt it or any other day. I am 14 years old. I DO NOT have high blood pressure. I DO NOT have warts anywhere on my body ( except 1 on my hand but that has been there for about 2 months now, way before i got the pain). I haven't gained 30 pounds. I don't know what drink to excess mean but if it means drink alot then no (if it means drink as in beer i cant drink it and i never will and if it means like iced tea or something then no to that too.I actually almost never drink at all. Only drink on lunch and supper). And yes i am a male if i haven't said that before. I will also say again that i am 14. I don't think it is Gout or whatever is is called. So what could it be? Could it be that maybe that toe is growing or something?Does it sometimes happen for no reason and then go away after a while. I have also had the pain for about 2-3 days. It is not a huge pain but i can move my big toe on my left foot around without getting any pain more than on my right foot ( right big toe is the one that has the pain). Please answer as clear as u can be and provide details. if it is Gount or whatever it is please say why you think this. Thanks.

OK for the deranged girl that said lay off the alcohal. I AM 14!!!!! I have said it atleast twice in my question. I have never drinken nor do i ever plan on drinking Alcohal. I will say it again. I AM 14!!!
another quick thing is that could the pain somehow be coming from salt ( yes salt as in salt u put on food). I use alot of salt (not bucket loads but probrably more than needed). So could the amount of salt im using be causing the pain i am getting?

This sounds like it could be growing pains. With growing pains sometimes they can come and go, and other times it can be consistent although the intensity might be very mild.
This is just an example only.

I would recommend letting your dad know what's going on as well so that he can help you keep an eye on the situation.

Sounds like Gout to me, I would definitely lay off the alcohol and not too much protein in diet either.

No matter what answers ya get here, be sure to see a doctor if it gets worse, or other unrelated symptoms crop up. . (or school nurse, etc.) People are individual and complex organisms, so individual and complex problems can crop up.

I DON'T think it's gout. That's usually accompanied by weight gain, poor diet, and takes time. (sounds like you're aware of THAT. lol) It's possible it could be arthritic. It'd be unusual to have that in just one joint, and at such a young age, but it's not unheard of.
Possible: Calcium deposits. If you've got a quirk in your system, and take in lots of calcium.. That could cause an accumulation. It'd first be noticed in a moving part like a joint, or when it contacts a ligament, or tendon. It's unlikely, cause they're usually pretty regular painwise.
Possible: There COULD be an incident where you injured the toe. Maybe it did'nt hurt at the time, or was so minor you did'nt register it. Sometimes a little deal with fine bones like in your phalanges can grow into bigger problems, but we don't associate the cause and aggravated effect it has later.
If you regularly sit, or stand in a certain posture, this could add weight to certain areas. Over time it's possible the strain causes sore spots. I used to lean back in my classroom chair, then rest the front legs of it on my feet. (weird I know) This sometimes caused soreness, but would fade due to the periodic nature of the class.
Do you have any physical activities that put strain on your feet/legs? Soccer, gymnastics, Karate.. Etc. Repetitive motion can cause soreness. It doesn't always come to light right away, and bone pain can be really tricky.
For example: I studied Karate, then began lifting weights extensively while in high school. Similar to your toe, I had pretty bad pain in one of the bones of my right forarm. (ulnar) It was ALWAYS when doing bicep curls... And sometimes cropped up with regular activity. It'd come and go at random. Soon, I had my chiropracter take an X-ray... Ya know what he found? NOTHING. It was an unexplainable pain. Same with my ankles Turned out 2 be tendons rubbin on a small nodule

Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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