
thinking of buying an ionic foot bath machine as I heard it detoxifies and helps gout. I have read the water?

thinking of buying an ionic foot bath machine as I heard it detoxifies and helps gout. I have read the water?change color happens regardless of it one's feet are in the water but that a sticky residue indicates machine is working as it is not there when feet are not present.

But what I want to know is has anyone tried it and felt physical results or improvement? Even if it is a placebo effect..hey if it works...

2.also want to know do they require additional parts and equipment. I saw some cheaper ones on ebay but I am not sure if the brand matters that much.

Please answer these two questions...does it works or did it for you as far as feeling better in anyway and how did it help you and2. do they require additional parts and equipment to keep using it and does brand matter much.

If you lay in the bathtub filled with very hot water and 1 cup of epsom or sea salt, and you stay till the water cools, you will notice the yellow discoloration of the water from helping to sweat out some of the toxins in your body. If it just your feet you want to do, pour 1/2 cup epsom salts ino a small tub and fill with water as hot as you can stand. For a little extra, I put in some marbles so I can roll them around with my feet and get a reasonable massage. Don't waste your money....there are so many other things you could do with it than to throw it away on some bunk.

Jan B
I don't know any thing about machine but I do know what will take your gouht away in just 30 hours the swelling will go a way, the pain. movemnet will return.

I have used it as recommended by the manufacturer, a 30-minute session with interval of 3 days for 14 sessions. Yes, it works because the color of the water went from almost black to light orange towards the last 2 sessions, showing that "toxins" had been extracted out of my body during these sessions . Depending on the manufacturer, the "active" element is good for 20 to 40 30-minute sessions after which, you need to replace it with a "new" element. I cannot comment on brands only that I used two (2) different units but the results were similar. I hope it works for you too.

Before you waste your money do a web search on "ionic footbath scams" and read through the listed sites. Personally, I wouldn't buy one.

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Orignal From: thinking of buying an ionic foot bath machine as I heard it detoxifies and helps gout. I have read the water?

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