
Do you think announcing PREGNANCY on facebook is tacky?

Do you think announcing PREGNANCY on facebook is tacky?Call me conservative, but I happen to find announcing pregnancy on facebook tacky. Look it at this way, pregnancy/childbirth is one if not the most intimate and private experiences of a woman's life. (OctoMom not included) But seriously, facebook is a social networking site. Nothing more, nothing less. I think it's cool or okay to announce engagements maybe...or other milestones, but pregnancy? There's an air of attention-seeker and or bragger oar that comes from that. And besides, unless you have screened all your friends, who happen to actually BE FRIENDS or at least acquaintances at some level that you have met and at one time interacted with---why would you share that with everyone? Maybe I'm so discreet too because I have almost 2,000 "friends" and out of them, only 1-2 actually friends, excluding family. The other 1,998 are second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth tier associations that have merely added or requested me for some random, unknown reason. So, again I ask---what benefit or purpose would come from me announcing, "Guess what?! I'm Preggars!!" Of course I would get a gout of congratulations and other high salutes, but I'm also opening myself up to judgment, nosy questions and comments and just being an open-book. I'm bias to this as well, because there are "people" on facebook, that I know would or could use that kind of shared information for defamation and just the good old rumor mill. Finally, I think it strongly depends on your marital status. I happen to think if you're married, it is much more accepted. Whereas, the single mom would just look desperate for acknowledgment. And before this rant is accused of being too bias...I am currently 5 weeks pregnant. And have no intentions of sharing my future bump with a bunch of strangers. Maybe once they're born, I will post pictures...but I rarely update my own pictures. And oh, I happen to be VERY single. Ciao Baby!
To everyone pointing out, that I am a hypocrite for posting this question about being pregnant, yet ranting about it via facebook---WHAT LOGICAL SENSE DOES THAT MAKE!!!??!? You have no idea who I am on here...LMAO!! It's an avatar, with a made-up name. LOL. You don't know who I am, which is why I am always so OPEN on Y!A because I actually don't exist...as who I am. I am just a synergy of questions, responses and an avatar with a name. WOW! You should never try debating...weak point indeed.
Also, to answer the "put downs" to why I have 2,000 friends. I am a musician. I also have a music myspace. So my fans request me via facebook from the link at my myspace. So, no. I wasn't adding random people initially....it was to promote my music. And then sometimes, because of my girlish good looks---I just attract lots of adds. I currently have it blocked where you can't request me though.
@islandgirl---And I'm only personally responding to you because you got so many thumbs up---but anyway---yes, to me, it does make more sense to post the pictures of actual, living breathing child. In context, I wouldn't have an entire album of them. But I'm quite sure (with the awesome mom Im going to be) I will probably have pics of just me and them, and make it my profile picture because they are my world. But sonograms, announcements, baby bump pics...Naw---thats what I call--Doing waaaay too much.
@Mandy....LoL. I liked it too. Thanks~

☆ snitch ☆
Not tacky. That's what status updates are for, you can make your announcement once without having to call everyone individually.

Or announce a pregnancy at a party! Like, a get together.

*~Shorys in love <3 Shelly-Ro
So for the ladies who family members live through out the country, they are supposed to call all of them? I dont think so? Plus, most people on face book are friends with people they know. I think you are being silly. If you do not want to announce it to face book, than don't but worry about your self. Anything you post on face book is leaving an opening for judgement, comments and nosiness. Facebook is for that. What the hell was the point of this rant? Get over your self.

Haha I like your rant! I personally don't care, but you bring up some pretty good points.

islandgirl ever so blessed
So let me get this right. You have a problem with announcing pregnancy but have no problem with posting your baby's pic? Interesting....

Ray~~ Baby #1 due May 3, 2010!!
I don't think it's tacky if that's what the person chooses to do. I understand that it's not for everyone... and I personally didn't announce mine on there, but at the same time I do make comments about it too.

I think it's just easier for people instead of calling and telling everyone individually (outside of family and close friends).. they just get to announce it once.

I just think it's a personal decision, and don't think it's right to judge someone who does it by calling them tacky.

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Orignal From: Do you think announcing PREGNANCY on facebook is tacky?

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