
Does GOUT spread inflammation to all over the body?

Does GOUT spread inflammation to all over the body?If so,how to go about stopping this restless inflammation ?

it can but basically you suffer with it in your legs..there is medication for this as well as water pills..good luck..

I had gout, but it didnt spread. went to the doc and he gave me pills and it went away. I'm sorry i don't remmeber the name of the prescription. check with a doc.

My husband has gout. He gets it in different places but always on his feet. Its either his big toe or the arch of his foot. I've heard people having it in their knee but I don't thing it spreads all over the body. It is caused by too much uric acid in the urine. You can take a pill that will control it. My husband has had it for 30 years now and has never taken pills. He gets it 2-3 times a years and he deals with it. It usually last about 4 days.

-----The prior answers are correct, also get checked for diabetes. -----The two are usually connected.-----

GOUT is the build up of uric acid crystals in the fluid of your toes/joints/fingers especially your big toe. Because of this foreign and not usual crystal buildup, the body starts to fight against it by causing inflammation around those areas. So only specific to areas of crystal formation, you will get an inflammatory response. It's still supremely uncomfortable (or excruciating) so once you have pain, take some non-steroidal inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen,ketoprofen,celecoxib. But these are only available from prescriptions/pharmacist prescribing hence, you should consult with your health professional to get the right advice on which medications is helpful for your pain.

There are also medications that control your gout by controlling your uric acid levels in your body. these are taken on a daily basis. You can read more by googling 'gout' or 'allopurinol' or 'probenecid'

Hope that helps.

Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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