
Tests for inflamed joints?

Tests for inflamed joints?So, I have had trouble with swollen knees for over 6 months now. I started physical therapy about two weeks ago and it is helping. However, I have been having trouble with smaller joints recently. Lately, I've been having trouble with my toes, wrists, thumbs, index fingers, ring finger, and pinky finger. I have also had trouble with my elbow. Dull achy pain when used. Pinky finger having trouble fully extending.

Have had several tests done and nothing useful. Blood results were normal (ANA was a little high as well as calcium). MRI showed inflammation. X-Ray Normal. Negative for lupus, lyme's, RA, pseudo gout, Hepatitis A-E, and a few others I'm forgetting.

After over 6 months of this, I'm getting tired of it.

So, I want to know the name of every possible test I can have for this, even if I've already had them. This includes blood tests, disease tests, etc.

What are all the possible tests I can have done?

Thank you.
Please keep in mind that I have been dealing with this for over 6 months. I assure you that I already know that Lyme's Disease tests are not always accurate. The Western Blot is only 80 % accurate. Even still, I could be seronegative.

I am not asking for information about any of the diseases that it could be. I am asking for tests that I could have. For example: ANA Test for a blood test.

As a fair warning, I will report your answer if you spam me with websites regarding different conditions, etc. I have been to the several doctors for over 6 months now. I've pretty much heard it all. I am wanting the names of tests that I can ask my doctor for.

Sounds very much like Lyme disease. Your negative test doesn't mean much--the screening tests they typically give for Lyme are unreliable. Recommend you start reading up here:

Good sources of info about Lyme disease:

I think an ANA test is an excellent idea...ruling out autoimmune diseases is a really good idea.

I'm not sure if your RA panel included an ESR or a C-RP, but these are also general tests of inflammation.

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