
A question on Gout and the relief from cherry extract?

A question on Gout and the relief from cherry extract?I know that cherry extract is good for the gout and relief of it. My question is , he weighs 185lbs and is 5'11", how much of the extract would he take per day and what would he take it in,i.e., juice, coffee, water, etc.? Thank you in advance for your help.

I take at least an ounce per day when I'm having a gout flare up; when it was bad, I bet I was taking 3 ounces a day then I tapered off as I got better. This last attack of gout, I didn't buy the extract and just ate a couple of pounds of cherries over the course of several days.

I wold take the extract in orange juice but I think you can mix it with whatever you want.

About an ounce a day is good, but don't drink it with coffee. Juice, or water is best, and lots of it.

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