
I think i have gout/arthritis in my hand from using a spray bottle 8 hrs a day for the last six mnths. ????

I think i have gout/arthritis in my hand from using a spray bottle 8 hrs a day for the last six mnths. ????Horrible pain wakes me in the middle of the night with swelling of joints, numbness, burning, tingling, aching in right elbow and hand, hand is hard to open fully but subsides with ice and putting it under cold water. Can someone please help me decide which course of action to take?

Dr. Patrick V. Suglia
It is neither gout nor arthritis. It is most likely carpal tunnel syndrome. The best course of action is to visit a chiropractor who specializes in extremity care and sports injuries. After receiving care, you should feel improvement by wearing a hand brace every time you do this type of work.

Jan H
Why are you using a spray bottle? You are probably just pulling the muscles and tendons of your hand. If you are prone to arthritis in your family, it might be that, it could be carpal tunnel as well. Why don't you try wearing a wrist brace, or better yet, get a different job!

MR. m
sounds like karpal tunnel,try a hand brace from pharmacy for karpal tunnel,use whenever you can,especially when sleeping,if you dont feel difference in a few days go to doctor

I wouldn't guess gout, it could be arthritis but, I would say carpal tunnel syndrome. The sheathe of the nerves coming down the arm has an infection from continual use and is rebelling. See a doctor, they can treat this before it gets to bad, then you'll have to have surgery.
Until then try ice packs, this may help. There are braces for this, go to your drug store and ask to see them, one should fit, use it while working.

It is called "repetitive stress disorder" ... it means you have been using the hand too much, doing the same thing too often.


If it's part of your job, file a workman's compensation complaint (on the job injury) and go see an orthopedic surgeon. They will tell you to stop using the hand so much.

Ask your boss to transfer you to a job where you don't use the spray bottle.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: I think i have gout/arthritis in my hand from using a spray bottle 8 hrs a day for the last six mnths. ????

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