
My husbandis 42 years old. He is suddenly sleeping all the time what could be wrong?

My husbandis 42 years old. He is suddenly sleeping all the time what could be wrong?He is slightly overweight but not much. We have 4 children under 7. We have always stayed up until about 12. We sleep in until 10am or so. Lately he has been sleeping until noon. He is to tired at night for "couple time" and he is falling asleep several times through out the day. He is not lazy by any means and we both do equal shares of caring for the kids and household chores. I run a from home business and he works 36 hours a week on the weekends. He also has gout which is currently acting up right now but it has never affected his energy level. Thank you!
I am 26 and if was cheating on me I dont know when since we are together 99% of the time and he works right down the road in a lab. Seriously people.

Outspoken but Honest
He is probably deppressed

Dwayne Slay
I would have him see his primary care physician to run some simple blood and urine tests. You would hate to ignore it and find out later he has diabetes.

Well its been shown that having children reduce the male testosterone levels. Either that or his cheating on you!. But I would go with the first, might need to exercise and cut back on snacks eating out etc.

Monkey Chunks
There could be many reasons. A lot of times it can be caused if he takes some pills such as antidepressants, or painkillers, or sleep meds.
Or, if he doesn't take any of those, it could be depression. Also could be some other illness.

It's time for a medical checkup - period. He's right at the age where things begin changing in all directions & needs to be evaluated by a medical professional to make sure everything is percolating as it should.

Add your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: My husbandis 42 years old. He is suddenly sleeping all the time what could be wrong?

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