
wrist pain, help doctors.?

wrist pain, help doctors.?from child hood I had been having this wrist pain, some time left & most of the time right wrist. It starts in the evening at about 5 pm, becomes very seviear & I will not be able to bend or move the wrist. I have to take a lot of pain killers like tramadol, nimusilid, Ibuprofen, diclo but its just for an hour or so. The next day too the pain will stay till I dont use pain killers & till I experiance sevier pain in the night till I get exosted & fall a sleep.
I had seen all the doctors & read all about wrist pains. But still no real diagnosis is made. Some say gout, some rhemitoid, some carpal turnal, SLE, etc.
Does any one have the same probleum & has it been solved?
blood test shows negitive Rh factor, little increase in uric acid. No trigering factors.
X ray shows slight wearing off the joints.
I am a body builder, swimer & play basket ball, foot ball, hockey & volly ball. But when I get this attack, I have to keep low for a week.
Ostioartritis is usally for the elderly, how old are you Mary Ann?
Ostioartritis is usally for the elderly, how old are you Mary Ann?
Thyroid diease can be auto immune. Rhematoid athritis is.

These problems sound like mine. OSTEOARTHRITIS is what the Rheumatologist tells me.

Mine are usually bad in the mornings and some days none at all. Some days horrible.

I use the icy hot pads and wrist supports (with the steel supports) and Vicodin when they are at their worst. Mine migrates.

First was the knees, then jaw hinge, then left thumb joint, right outer side of wrist joint, then moved to the spine, now back to the left elbow and left thumb joint. I am now at three years with this Problem.

I have done lots of research and the most continuous thing I have found is that it is part of AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER.
I also Have a Thyroid condition, although I have no idea for sure if it relates.

Good luck If you find a solution I would love to know. The Doctors just keep guessing. I am going to an Endocrinologist next (for the Thyroid, they may be related).

# Maya #
Idk..but I had a similar issue..anyways, u can use Ice..but make sure there's something, such as a towel, between the ice and your skin... don't leave the ice on for more than 20 minutes...

.........I hope you feel better soon & I hope these links help...


Logical to follow the results and symptoms. Sporadic wrist pain, rather than chronic wrist pain. Little wear and tear, we all have that, part of the aging process and not OA. Rheumatoid Arthritis negative, they would have done a full autoimmune screening, so you can rule out autoimmune conditions. However uric acid, that signals GOUT! Therefore it is your diet and yes crystals can form in any joint! This might explain the sporadic nature and then having to lie low and then it gets better, then you eat '?' and the process starts again. Watch what you eat and see what happens. I am not sure if you should be taking aspirin based pain killers if you have Gout? Good Luck

Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: wrist pain, help doctors.?

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