
What meds work best for high blood pressure?

What meds work best for high blood pressure?I recently had stroke.When I went to doctor my pressure was 200/130.Now on medication which is Metoprolol(2 daily) and clonidine(1 at bedtime)my bloodpressure is usually 150-180/100-120 with medication.This is after cutting out spirits(beer).Also under tremendous stress from both sides of family..Lost job.have three 14 yr. old kids.No income.Worry,worry and more worry.Should I just go ahead and "kick the bucket"and solve all my probloms.Also on Zanax and it seems to do a poor job for me.Also have the Gout in my feet and take meds for this but I think the aspirin I take every day worsens my feet.Am I DOOMED?


Kahlil J
Regular exercise and a low fat diet.

Wow...think my pressure just went up reading your story.. Sorry to hear about all your misfortunes and health issues. I take Micardis HCT and Accupril for my HBP and it works wonders for me. Hope things get better for you. You need to also find a hobby that helps take stress away like sewing, reading, going fishing...BEST OF LUCK!

AV (Avinash J Welinkar)
I had come across the lovely site www.aarogya.com a health and wellness site from India which has this section "ask the doctor" where one can post ones questions and get reply's form qualified medical professionals, plus they have a very large section on alternative medication which is worth checking out

would suggest you post your queries & get your answers from here

Runner Girl
There are a few things that you would probably greatly benefit from doing ( and no, you are not doomed!):

1. Relax. Take a leisurely walk (exercise is great for your bp). Listen to relaxing music. Make the time to simply sit in a local park and read. Try meditation and yoga. Do deep breathing exercises. You are waaaay to stressed and this had made your sympathetic nervous system kick into overdrive which makes your kidney release hormones like adrenaline and makes your arteries contract.

2. Too much alcohol will raise your blood pressure, so good job cutting that out, but you should probably review your overall diet as a whole. Check out the DASH diet- it was designed by the National Institutes of Health and is highly effective. Check out the link at the bottom of this post of the guidelines.

3. Aspirin seems okay, but stay away from ibuprofen and other NSAIDS as they raise blood pressure.

4. Start looking into natural treatments to use in conjunction with your medications. CoQ10, Hawthorn and Garlic and some of the best supplements for blood pressure and cardiovascular health. You are probably a little strapped for cash, but if you can pull it off, I would highly recommend taking a look at the Zona Plus.

Good Luck!

P.S. St. John's Wort is commonly used as an antidepressant/mood enhancer, and you may find people suggest taking it; however,it can be dangerous if you have high BP- so run the other way!

Add your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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