
What meds work best for high blood pressure?

What meds work best for high blood pressure?I recently had stroke.When I went to doctor my pressure was 200/130.Now on medication which is Metoprolol(2 daily) and clonidine(1 at bedtime)my bloodpressure is usually 150-180/100-120.This is after cutting out spirits(beer).Also under tremendous stress from both sides of family..Lost job.have three 14 yr. old kids.No income.Worry,worry and more worry.Should I just go ahead and "kick the bucket"and solve all my probloms.Also on Zanax and it seems to do a poor job for me.Also have the Gout in my feet and take meds for this but I think the aspirin I take every day worsens my feet.Am I DOOMED?


AV (Avinash J Welinkar)
I had come across the lovely site www.aarogya.com a health and wellness site from India which has this section "ask the doctor" where one can post ones questions and get reply's form qualified medical professionals

would suggest you post your queries & get your answers from here

talk to your doctor bout increasing your xanax dose because its the best you can get for stress an for the blood pressure you may want to ask your doctor about benicar or exforge there 2 very new blood pressure meds that work really well an for your gout you need to be on at least 0.6mg of colchicine an all that talk about kicking the bucket is non-sense only the man up stairs knows when its your time to go if its your time to go theres no doctor in this world that can save you but it does sound like your meds need to be regulated better an maybe a changed

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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