My feet feel broken all the time?Ok, for the past few months, my right foot has felt like I broke it. The pain is bad when I first wake up, I can't walk for about 20 minutes or so. Now, both feet are doing it, but the left doesn't hurt nearly as bad. Last year, it all started with my heels, they felt like they were in pieces, I bought some insoles for heel fasciitis, and that problem eventually stopped. My mom told me it could be gout, she has some arthritis symptoms, including gout when she eats or drinks certain foods. I read about it, and something about uric acid, which made me think..I have had 2 kidney stones, and over 10 uti's in the past 8 years. And I am the biggest water drinker on the planet, always have been. I never had insurance, so just went to the er for those, never got a diagnosis, just really good pain meds:) . I do have insurance now, so I 'm wondering what kind of doctor I should see. Here is a little about me, if it helps narrow it down at all.
I'm 23, female, had 3 kids since I was 14(no judging please, I'm married to the daddy:) so I am a little overweight, never lost it all from the kids. but wasn't when I had the first stone at 16. I'm working on that, seems like no matter what I do for however long, it doesn't take off more than a few lbs, (was told 3rd shift can do that) I have been on 3rd shift for 4 1/2 yrs..which none of these probs started til recently. I am on my feet all night. And I get about 5 hours of sleep a day, max. Arthritis runs in my family, but I am so young, not sure here. Thanks for reading!
You need to get a book called :
"The Inflammation Cure" by Immunologist William Joel Meggs.
This doctor talks about foods that promote inflammation -bad - don't eat and foods that reduce inflammation-> eat these foods.
This diet plan helps people with obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, some heart conditions, some cancers, 'fibromyalgia' and more.
Email me if you want.
Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. health information factsheet - advice on
gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.
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My feet feel broken all the time?
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