
I've been having problems with the word spacing and word formatting in MySpace on my Apple/Mac computer?

I've been having problems with the word spacing and word formatting in MySpace on my Apple/Mac computer?I have an Apple computer and every time I look try to look at the bulletins or the picture comments in MySpace, the words look like this: "He ywh at' sgoin gon? Ith ink wen eedto han gout!"

When in reality it should be saying: "Hey what's going on? I think we need to hang out!"

This has been going on with every Mac I have used to view my MySpace. Somebody please help, this is extremely annoying and I want to solve this.

John R
Hi, It's not a problem with your computer. It's whats called TEXT language and generally used by boneheads that are illiterate and don't know how to spell.

Hope this helps.

Jeffrey G
Simply put, this is a problem with Word, not Apple. It happens in a variety of other programs as well.

The best option is to use TextEdit. If you have something already in Word, copy and paste it in TextEdit. Then, copy it from TextEdit to paste it wherever you need it.

TextEdit seems to remove the garbage that Microsoft creates.

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Orignal From: I've been having problems with the word spacing and word formatting in MySpace on my Apple/Mac computer?

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