
is it true that infrared lights are good for rheumatism pains?

is it true that infrared lights are good for rheumatism pains?There are some infrared lights aiming to overcome muscular pains, such as philips Infracare. Is it true that they are also good for Rheumatism pains?
(i mean the rheumatism pains of my grandma)

Mild arthritic pains are eased by heat lamps or infrared lights, but be careful not to burn yourself. More serious problems are less likely to respond. Ice packs for 15 minutes provides greater pain relief for up to 2 hours, if you can stand the cold contact that long. There are linament rubs that may also help, and don't forget light exercise to work the joints. Exercise is the best treatment when done regularly, again assuming you do not have a major arthritis syndrome.

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