
i need advise, I think my mother in law hates me, HELP ME!?

i need advise, I think my mother in law hates me, HELP ME!?When i first met my mother in law everything was good we went shopping, we gossiped, talked all the time, it was just good.

The minute she found out that her son and i we're engadged she totaly changed its like shes a different person. She started saying ugly things about me, like the only reason i wanted to han gout with my husbands sister is becasue i wanted her unborn baby, um i have stolen her son, i am selfish an dwant him to myself even though we visited all the time, she had gotten a boyfriend and had told him all this personal stuff about her and her family and it drove him away and he broke up with her and I WAS BLAMMED FOR THAT. they had only been dating for i think 2 months and i hadnt even meet him. The day of our wedding she didnt even get dressed until 15 mintues before i walked down the aile.
i've done everything for this women including watching her 11 year old. i dont know what to do anymore. she didnt even call her son on his b-day. someone help

It is so familiar.
Congratulations on your wedding, first of all.
You are married woman now, hang on and act like an adult.
You can not make anyone to love you just because you want to.
Give your Mother in Law time.
Enjoy your married life. You will have some problems, this is just one of them. Good luck!

I think you need to sit down with hubby and discuss how it would be approprate to handle this situation. If you are both seething mad at constantly being blamed because the sun came out and it didnt rain, then you need to- together, find out how much time of your lives you are willing to devot to an attention seeking woman, who only wants something to do with you if its convenient for her.
Personally i would drop her like hot potatoes, i would not go out of my way to help her and i would send hubby in to discuss things with his mother. I would not tolerate my hubby's mother to treat me like dirt, to walk all over me or to spread rumors or make up vicious lies like trying to steal a woman's unborn baby. I would hope that my hubby understands my anger and would stick up and defend me. If not, I would consider my future with hubby, if he allows his mother to treat me like dirt, will he eventually take her side and do the same?
You guys need to be a team, there is no i in team, but there is a ME and 2 MEs make a couple.

You need to make a decision as to how you are going to handle it...
Either put some distance between you and her, and allow your husband to visit her by himself when needed, being careful to keep yourself away from that mix, and use your answering machine to screen calls so you don't have to deal with her. And enjoy visits with other family members separately instead of at gatherings.
At the next gathering, you allow her one "hit" and then call her out on all her junk... all the lies, the character assassination campaign, her behavior at your wedding, and her unappreciative user behavior.
You might as well stand up to her... or move to another state.
Sounds like she needs to be evaluated by a psychiatric professional... she either needs meds or is already on the wrong meds. She is competing with you for her son.

See if you can get the 11 year old on your side... he can tell you what is being said around the house.

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Orignal From: i need advise, I think my mother in law hates me, HELP ME!?

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