
how to deal with child s. and custody? Can he do that?

how to deal with child s. and custody? Can he do that?Ok im in a big dilemma! i have a three month old baby with this guy. We do NOT get along we were trying to work things aout but it gout out of place. One day he told me to go to his house so i went he had just come back to his house from leaving his other baby two month older than mines. we fought over some diapers (stupid right) becuse he wanted to use his other baby diapers on mine n i didn't let him. So he told me to leave his house i was going to leave when i threw the diapers on his face and slaped him, he beated me up, choked me and kick me out with my baby inside. between all that we broke a window and while a was out knoking he called the police and told them i had broke it. I told the cops we did break it and he had hit me. They didn't do anything because it was his house and he called and the window was broke, but didn't say anything about me bruised up. they even told him if he wanted to press charges. but he said no. so they told me to take the baby and leave, which i did. Now he texted me asking why i haven't apoloyized yet. and that he will file for my babys custody. and that he can use the police report against me because he said he told the cops i almost hurt the babay with the broken window. Can he do that??
the baby wasnt around at the time of the act
y use othe babys diapers when baby had her own, i slapted and turn to get ready and go, but i guess it hurt so much that he had to beat me up and leave me bruised. went to his house because he had begged for me to go

Quaker O
I hate you both and i feel extremely sorry that you immature people decided to have unprotected sex. It would be nice if Child services did their F'n job and took that child away from the both of you and neutered you both as well!!!!!

why not use the diapers? and you hit him first. so you are the violent one in the house and you went to his home and attacked him you were wrong . and he can get custody . so suck it up and make things as good as possible for you child before they take it away from you . GROW UP

You were the primary aggressor, and you throw things at him and you slapped him. What did you expect him to do? Stand there until you started throwing knives at him?

He can do that. I'd be shopping for a good lawyer specializing in family law if I were you. Might need one.

Well, lets see if I can offer something useful...he can use police reports against you. But these days courts are very reluctant to take a child from one parent to give to the other, they are most likely to grant joint or 50/50 custody in which case you will share custody and the person with the higher income will pay the other child support ( depending on income difference), for your child's sake you have to set your differences aside and think of what is best for your child. I suggest you both get some anger management help, and take a parenting after separation class ( I think they are free) this will do you both some good. If you guys want to save some money, you could sit down with a mediator and have an agreement done up.this I would suggest it would be a good sign of faith to the other. good luck!

Forum Z
This kind of stupid behavior, for small reasons, can make you go in trouble if he files for custody.

Try too calm down yourself and avoid doing such stupid things that can hurt you A LOT in the future.

I know.

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