
Help with Gout???

Help with Gout???My fiance has Gout in his foot! I do know that its something about acid crystals building up in your blood stream!! I am confused how does one get Gout and is there something that can be treated! He did get a perscription bt its not helping! Anyone have any expierence with it?? Thanks

gout is from to rich eating,too much meat ,too many fats...pick up some pure cherry juice he should be having about 32oz a day ....stay away from shellfish...time for a big diet change I bet

walter m
Gout is an illness that was classified in the medieval days as the rich people disease and this was due to the fact that rch people or the affluent consumed a lot of red meat and wine.
Gout is actually the precipitation of uric acid into the joints. Now in our time a number of issues relating to our diet has caused much of the symptom and this relates to what we eat, and our lifestyle.
The consumption of bottled water is noted to be a contributor coupled with the high protein diet, red meat, shell fish and consumption of alcohol coupled with little or no exercise.
It can be treated but this involves a wholistic approach entailing dietary changes and exercise and the monitoring of weight.
Drugs are often given or prescribed such as Analgesic-pain killers for the pain and Allopurinol which is prescribed by the doctor. Allopurinol tends to chelate the Uric acid preventing them from precipitating in the joints and then allowing the Kidneys to remove it that is the excess uric acid via the urine.
Hope this helps

Richard P
Hi. Gout is caused by the build up of uric acid in the blood stream. When the lvels of uric acid start to become too high, then crystals of uric acid will form and settle around joints, usually the big toe and knuckles, causing inflammation, redness, heat and pain. It's traditionally seen as a "rich man's disease" caused by eating too much red meat and drinking too much red wine, but that's not strictly true.
Some people can have high levels of uric acid in their blood strem and not suffer from the formation of te crystals that lead to gout. Some people can suffer attacks of gout with a relatively low level of uric acid in their system.
Risk factors include:
There are certain factors that can affect your likelihood of getting gout. You are more likely to have gout if you:

are a man, as the plasma urate level normally tends to be higher in men than women
consume high levels of a substance called purine in your diet
drink lots of alcohol, which interferes with how your body passes out urate
take certain medicines, such as diuretics, which increase the flow of urine from the body
have a family history of gout
have a family history of kidney disease causing the kidneys to not pass enough urate out in the urine
are overweight
have a medical condition such as psoriasis which can sometimes cause your body to produce too much urate
have high blood pressure
injure a joint
have a surgical operation
have some chemotherapy drugs

Ttreatment includes drug therapy with a drug called Colchicine and with NSAIDs. You can apply an ice pack to the affected area to provide symptomatic relief, for NO MORE than 20 minutes at a time, as the ice could cause burns to the skin. Resting the joint is also important.
Give the meds chance to kick in. I really hope that your fiance feels better very soon. It's a painful and very sore thing to have to suffer.

What do you think? Answer below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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