Help, what's wrong with my knee?From January-May I took a ballet class at my college and also from January-March I was in a play that used a lot of physical comedy. I stuffed myself in a cube that got turned around, fell down, and walked around like a monkey. (The play began as evolution, so we evolved from cells to humans). In the beginning of January, my right knee started hurting really bad, and I didn't know if it was from the ballet or the show. I'm not a dancer and I wasn't very good at ballet, so I think I might have torn a ligament or sprained my knee during class? I told the teacher about it, and she didn't really have anything to say about it, other than do what you can and see a doctor. When, I acted as a monkey (my knees bent) it hurt really bad. I went to the doctor in March and she couldnt help me, so she recommended me to someone else. So, I had an appt. in May (day after I graduated) but then we had an inland hurricane in Southern Illinois and I dropped my phone in the lake, and everyone phones were dead, because we were out of power for over a week. The gas stations were closed, trees and powerpoles covered the rode, and basically I couldnt make my appt which was a 3.5 hour drive. Then, I was going to schedule another appt, but it stopepd hurting. But, now it hurts again and I just moved to NY, and I don't have a full time job yet so I don't have insurance yet, so I can't go to a doctor. So, I'm trying to diagonose myself. I can't really explain the pain. It doesn't hurt when I'm walking or even when I was in ballet class dancing. It basically just hurts when its bent, some days more than others. I also noticed it hurting really bad during my last semester of college when I was sitting cross legged on my bed doing my homework. I've done my homework like this forever, but it just started hurting my last semester in college. So, naturally I stopped doing that, and I try not to bend down too much, and it's not so bad, but I still want to know what's wrong with me and if there's anything I can do to fix it. My dad has gout, so maybe it's that or a different type of arthritis. However, my knee isn't swollen or red or anything that usually happens when you have gout. My dad has it because he eats a lot of meat, but I don't eat a lot of meat, and I dont drink alcohol. So, maybe I just tore it or sprained it? It's been 9 months since the problem, and it hasn't gotten worse over time or anything. It's just some months hurt more than others, but overall I guess it feels better now when I was in ballet, doing the show, and sitting cross legged doing my homework. Diagnosis? Also, I don't drink juice (I don't like it) so that's def. not helping with the joint problem.
do you think someone will read that? I don't
you may have arthritis.
you could have torn your tendon or maybe your cartilage. same thihng happened to me, i didn't go to the doctor or anything, but it just got better with time, and pressure. if you put pressure on it, like put most of your weight on your injured knee. here's a link in the source bar to maybe see where it hurts, or idk. good luck though! :D
Based on all the physical activity you've been doing, you might have condo malacia patella. This is when the soft tissue around the knee cap has worn away due to extensive exercise, and the bones are now rubbing against each other, causing discomfort. I had it a while ago, and I solved it by putting a tensor bandage on it. It should go away after a while. Stick with it, and use advil. It works the best on the pain.
There doesn't need to be a reason for BURSITIS, BUT it's incredibly PAINFUL. You could find yourself in the emergency room for pain control because tylenol might not touch it.
Bursitis is the most painful and it's difficult to bear weight. If you have an anti inflammatory, this will take down the swelling and pain fast. If it isn't working then you need to see your doctor asap to try a different prescription.
You should take it as directed on the bottle. If it says every 4 hours, then you take it every 4 hours. If you take it as needed, you might as well not even waste the doctor's time.
A lot of people think taking on as needed basis is better. It does nothing if it doesn't retain a build up of the medication so it can attack the inflammation.
Sit on the side of your bed with both legs draped over. Try to straighten the knee. You may hear crunching, popping, etc. Keep doing it, up and down, up and down, like a handle on a'll need to keep doing it 4-6x a day.
You could also lie down on your bed. Lift your knees up and now try and move them like you would on a bicycle....keep doing it until all noise disappears from the knee ~ do not exceed 5 minutes.
Continue to do this, take anti inflammatories, ice the pain, and then warm the tendons.
***if you have puffy, swelling, and pressure increasing your pain, you may need to see the doctor to have the water drained.
ASK the doctor for and ESR done to see if you have inflammation brewing.
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Help, what's wrong with my knee?
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