Christmas Shopping (Date?)?I'm pretty good socially but I am not good at escalating and creating attraction. There's this chick I am really into who I would consider to be higher value than me (bad mindset already, I know) - she ALWAYS has "hot" guys going after her. Anyways, I have her number and we've chatted a few times but I dont really know her that well. I usually initiate everything. I was thinking about calling her tonight and just chatting and then telling her Im going christmas shopping saturday and if she'd want to go with me. This way its a non-threatening atmosphere and we can have fun and hangout, but its not a gay guy thing because I HAVE to shop for christmas stuff. Not really as a date but as friends and a chance for me to get to know her and be attractive to her. Good idea? tips?? I just hate when I go out with girls to just han gout and they get there and its like... "ok, so what are we gonna do?" ANd I say, " Oh you know, just thought we'd chill." We just walk around and talk and it feels kinda quirky.
I'm worried that me asking her will come off more like she is doing me a favor to come hangout with me, you know? I tend to be the confident, funny, sexual guy to a lot of girls that im friends with, but once I like a girl I turn into the "shy, nice guy". I don't display any overly sexual characteristics. I am still funny and talkative and can make sexual jokes but I'm not great at escalating. Also not great at kino, all I do is hug her and tough her arm/shoulders during convos. I just dont FEEL like an attractive man. I know what I need to project to portray these things, and once she gets to know me I know I'd be awesome, but I dont want to come off as just a friend. Also dont wanna be the overly sexual jerk who doesnt respect her.
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Christmas Shopping (Date?)?
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