
Both Knees Swollen For No Reason?

Both Knees Swollen For No Reason?I'm mean no injury to them.

It's my wife's knees. She is 46 and 70lbs overweight. Obviously the weight is probably an issue, but it's odd both knees would do this. She has no real health issues and is not taking any medication other than an occasional pain pill for back pain. Both knees suddenly swelled up about a week ago. I thought maybe it's gout, but neither knee is warm to the touch. There's some pain, but the stiffness is more of an issue (she can't bend them very far). Her skin in the effected area feels weird too, really tight and elastic.

Any one have any ideas what this could be? She has been a bit fatigued over the last several weeks.

It may be arthritis considering the fact that she is overweight. It may also be some sort of rheumatologic disorder like rheumatoid arthritis. She should see a doctor.

It's probably not gout. Gout typically occurs in smaller joints commonly the big toe and you are correct that it would be red and painful to the touch.

MY son in law is diabetic and a little over weight.His knee's and joints ache.
Also could be arthritis
Take your wife to the doctors.A blood test and x-ray will tell you if its one of these two.
Good Luck hope she feels better.

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