
Will my husbands gout and diabetes lessen as he loses weight?

Will my husbands gout and diabetes lessen as he loses weight?He hasn't lost much weight as of yet, but he has lost inches off his waistline. Which means he gained muscle. He has been working out three times a week at a gym.

He should make sure he doesn't have celiac disease as well. Weight gain, diabetes, and gout are all associated with each other. If he has it and he cuts out gluten, he will be in much better health:


The more weight he loses, the better his diabetes will be. Some people can even get off their diabetes medications with a large weight loss and the healthier diet contributes to a decrease in the incidence of gout. Tell him to keep up the good work.

Wouldn't it make more sense to ask his doctor about that, since the opinions of laymen, who make up the vast majority of posters here, would carry no valid medical opinion?

Just saying, since I doubt that a lot of doctors or specialists in that particular medical field are spending a lot of time on Yahoo Answers.

Plus, it is always better to get advice from those that are experts in the field, since one is less likely to get erroneous information that way, at least in technical fields.

Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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