
what r some of the signs and symptoms of gout arthritis?

what r some of the signs and symptoms of gout arthritis?does gout arthritis affect your back if so what are some treatments that can be done

read here. hope it helps.

gout is usually caused by excess acid in body... and can attack any area, but usually effects the big toe (seriously) or feet. there are prescriptions for help,not cure.. best advice ; watch what you eat, drink and what causes the flareup.. usually spicy, sweets, etc.. also believe gout and arthritis are closely related ..the areas affected are -red-hot and swelling very pain full and sometime warm towels or hot water soaks will help calm down the attack..

beauty gal
Gout is the chronic inflammation of the joints due to a range of potential causes. It is definitely not the most enviable medical condition that will top anyone's lists of medical problems to have. When one is tortured by Gout, the inflammation is more often than not painful and the pain experienced can be in a very sharp, stinging manner. At times, the pain can even last a very long period of time but there are instants where it will go away after awhile.

How can we conclude we are dealing with symptoms that may be indicative of gout? Since gout is the inflammation of the joints, the most common gout symptom is the experiencing of sharp, sudden pains in the joints. If this is the experience one is going through, there is a high possibility that one could have developed gout. However, this is certainly not a fool proof and one hundred percent diagnosis. If gout is really the cause of such painful experiences, there will usually be other secondary symptoms present. .

The secondary symptom of gout is the frequent swelling of the joints. This swelling is actually the originating cause of gout. The swelling of the joints may be the result of crystal deposits at the joints. Again, this symptom is a very strong indication that one might have gout but it is not guaranteed that a person experiencing this symptom has gout.

Another secondary gout symptom is the discoloration of the skin. If it is observed that the skin above the joints is starting to change color drastically and is taking on a purple shade in and around the area of the joints, then one should without doubt seek a doctor and see if gout has developed.

If you need more information on gout symptoms, gout treatment or gout natural remedies, you can visit the following site:

Lisa W
Glucosamine,shark cartilage helps in reduction of pain.More information on natural remedies for arthritis at http://aches.in/naturalcuresarthritis.html

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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