
What foods are okay and not okay to eat when you have gout?

What foods are okay and not okay to eat when you have gout?My dad may have a case of gout. Its not for sure yet, but just in case, we need to make sure he eats the right foods.

So..yeah :P

Oh and theres something else i'm kind of curious about. On the internet it says gout is formed on the big toe but my dad has been limping on his ankle for the last two days...

The main foods to minimize or avoid are alcoholic beverages and meat. There are, of course many other issues, so you can read about them on this trustworthy website:


As for the joints affects, although the big toe is one of the most common joints affected, it is completely possible for any joint to be affected, including the ankle. I would also add that there are other acute joint diseases that can cause your dad's symptoms. I hope he gets a diagnosis soon!

What do you think? Answer below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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