You can get gout in any joint in your body but, if it's been there for 3 years, it probably isn't gout. Gout clears up and goes away for most people and they have intermittent flare-ups during their lifetime. You might consider an appointment with an orthopedist who specializes in this kind of thing which is probably a ganglion cyst and can be removed, sometimes in a clinic setting. You can go to WebMd.com and type in the above term and read up on this condition and see if your symptoms match. I would not cancel my appointment with a rheumatologist though because he may be able to find an answer for you also. A simple blood test can show the presence of uric acid which would be indicative of gout - hopefully you have had this done already.
My dad has had it for a few years now. He's problem it's on he's foot and it's very aggravated when he drinks alcohol or eats too much red meat or seafood especially shrimp, other than that he's pretty much okay. My mother on the other hand has Rheumatoid Arthritis and it sounds just like your problem, she did start seeing a Rheumatoid dr and she has been doing awesome since then. I think that might be your problem vs gout. Hope I helped good luck.
Orignal From: My doc thinks I have gout. Anyone out there had it on your hand?
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