13 year old son serious problems?Hi everyone i have a 13 year old son turning 14 in june. He was adopted when he was 8. He is our nephew his mom was a druggie abusive mother. He remembered allot of what happened when he was a child. We aren't the richest, he still deals with problems of his dad in and out. But back to the present, he has a nice life he is very smart, is great at basketball plays on a AAU team and travel etc. He is very good at football. He has many friends everyone is always saying how nice he is. We are told by his friends he has had many girlfriends and hes always hanging otu with girls. The first suprise is when i was looking for a old lacrosse stick for his brother and saw a box that smelled very weird. I opened it to find a bag of condoms, birth control pills, and girls panties and a used condom. And a picture of him and the girl having sex. That gout me mad when we questioned him he said that he has been sexually active for the past 7 months. And the worst part at our house when we are at work till 5. We told him no more took away all privileges. He said no more. Then recently the past month hes had a huge attitude change of being rude and coming home odd hours when we say no. After party's, barmitzvahs he always feels the need to have a sleep over. He is always asking for more money even though we don't have any. He is a wonderful kid i assure you i love him but i know it isn't puberty either this is something else. One night he had basketball the following morning of a bat mitzvah thinking he could have a sleep over we came and went in to get him. He smelled this weird smell of skunk i think i had no idea what it was. He was stuttering and acting extremely weird. Whenever he comes home from a friends house he doesn't say much and runs to his room and locks the door. I don't know if its drugs or what i don't know allot about drugs. Then the worst part is one day i was on the computer and saw on it , it said " ya dude bring it to the party well do it in the back with everyone" I left it open for him to come home and started asking what ti was he flipped out and said leave me alone. He always eats so much and stays skinny. Finally one day i went home after work and the house smelled like smoke and skunk . I went to his brothers room and asked what it was and he said he doesn't know that his older brother told him to stay in their. I went to his room and walked in to see him on the ground sleeping with another friend. I found a joint with i think it was marijuana. I am going to get a drug test soon but he denies it saying that he didn't do it. i don't know what to do how could he get this where what should i do and it s not only him half of his school i heard does it. All the parents complain about it. He was also recently suspended for 2 days because my son got into a big fight.
Can you explain everything about marijuana and what he may be doing and stuff like that?
And no i wont hit him hes been through enough
thank you!!
I'm thinking boot camp for kids.
He is out of control. He needs professional help.
Keep money out of his hands because he will spend it on dope.
Keep him away from the friends he has been seeing for a while.
For the marijuana, it's not too hard to get. Most kids who want to try it just have to talk to a few seniors at their school, and the seniors can get them some. Maybe send him to boot camp to get him back to normal; it really helps most of the time. Make him do the drug test, and ask your doctor to explain him in detail what happens when you smoke weed. He should get the point.
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13 year old son serious problems?
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