
Whats the best way to get rid of gout?

Whats the best way to get rid of gout?I know it starts in the big toe then works around the joints and that. It is a horrible pain.
Havent heard about drinking cherry juice for this kind of thing but it is worth a try.

Treatment for gout usually involves medications. What medications you and your doctor choose will be based on your current health and your own preferences. Medications for gout include:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs may control inflammation and pain in people with gout. NSAIDs include over-the-counter options such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve, others), as well as more powerful prescription NSAIDs. NSAIDs carry risks of stomach pain, bleeding and ulcers.
Colchicine. Colchicine controls gout effectively, but may cause uncomfortable side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If you're unable to take NSAIDs, your doctor may recommend colchicine.
Steroids. Steroid medications, such as the drug prednisone may control gout inflammation and pain. Steroids may be administered in pill form, or they can be injected into your joint. Side effects of steroids may include thinning bones, poor wound healing and a decreased ability to fight infection. Steroids may be reserved for people who can't take either NSAIDs or colchicine.

My dad had it and drank maraschino cherry juice! I guess it helped. But I'd check with your doctor just in case. Also I'm sure the juice had a lot of sugar, so if that's an issue avoid the juice.
I know it hurts a lot. I hope you feel better!

tammie b
This may sound crazy.....but go to the store and buy a can of dark cherries in natural juice. Drink the juice! It really does help, and the cherries taste pretty good too! You may have to go to the doctor to get gout gone initially, but after that, drink cherry juice! It has been a life saver for my husband who has actually been hospitalized due to gout, but no flare ups at all since he started drinking cherry juice every day! Hope you get better soon!


Good luck! :)

Add your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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