It just sounds like Social Anxiety to me. If you feel that it is really bothering you, which it appears to be from what you just wrote, I encourage you to go see a psychologist or a psychiatrist. He or She may lead you into a better direction, and you could also get help with learning better English. If you feel that everything is depressing you, than this can be really serious, clinical depression is a main feeling of hopelessness. I really suggest you go to the doctors and they will refer you to a specialist.
Best of luck.
Live, Laugh, Love
well, if it helps, your english was fine in your question and details, so you can chill about that. you should just gradually expose yourself in social situations, biuld yourself up. what makes yget intoou think ppl are laughing at you? you just seem to have self-confidence issues. maybe you could take up a sport or get a job or into a school, just to put yourself in some sort of a direction. maybe join a church?just my thoughts though. goos luck, and God Bless
gabz♫ ♥☮!
awww i know how u feel..
i got here 5 years ago..
its hard..
it fricking sucks sometimes but damn im really happy i moved here cause after i passed that shy stage i grew up a lot..
my accent is still there..
and im still learning words or ways of saying things right everyday but dont let it put u down..
i know its hard but dont think im just talking..
i went through it too..
it takes a long time but try lil by lil... start going out..
meeting ppl..
practice ur english...
dont let it be an obstacle cause its just gonna follow u forever...
go out! get a job.. talk to ppl and make friends...
i could do it!
and im not special or super good looking...
just let urself be... who cares what all that ppl think..
and if they want to talk... then let them!!!
give urself that chance....!!!!!
Just smile
I learnt that no matter how difficult our life is, it lies in our hands - what you want -> what you will do to achive it -> how you will achieve it and the results that you want. Until you get there or do what you want to do, you will not be happy. :x
hey bud, i know how it feels, i was there once. don't give up on life just yet. you have too much waiting for you. it's just that you have to create your life yourself for things to happen. I only hung out with my parents and my family because i kept separating myself from social life...but that was my choice, out of fear and anxiety. i went to overnight camp for one month and my life changed...you just have to force yourself to get into a social situation and talk, learn social skills. that's all you really lack. you won't get comfortable around people unless your with them all the time. you can't learn how to swim and get used to the temperature when you're out of the water everyday. make an effort to get out there, do what people are doing and get involved. when you get involved in social life, watch movies and stuff, it gives you a foundation for conversations, cause it's something you both share knowledge about, and can talk about. otherwise you won't really have anything to say. i know, it's scary, but honestly, its what you need to do to get over your fears - force yourself to face them. the more you think about what others say, the more likely you'll screw up because you get so caught up in worry. you have absolutely NO control or have any idea of what people think- they could be thinking a million possible things, and chances are it's not even close to what you're thinking. So why bother worrying about it? it's not worth it. Just shift your focus somewhere else and do what you need to do. take little steps at a time to build comfort - you obviously won't become a social butterfly in a day. don't hate yourself for screwing up on the first try- rome wasn't built in a day. you mess up, you learn, and you try again the next day. every day is a new chance to make your life better. don't waste it by being depressed - use it to make improvements. if happiness is what you want, you have to change your way of thinking. stop all this negative talk - it's only going to bring you even more down and keep you there. Tell yourself, these people are only humans, they're not going to kill me for screwing up, and besides, i'm a pretty awesome person. cause you are, it just takes you to believe it. and if you don't have reasons to believe it, give yourself reasons. if you think your stupid, go to school and make yourself smarter. if you don't have a job, go and apply for one. don't waste time hating yourself for not having one when all you need to do is fill out an application. believe in yourself that you can do it, because you actually can. hey, obama's president right? ;)
alright, i need to stop myself, i'm starting to go on a rant.
i just hope that what i've said has gotten across and actually helps
Orignal From: what is my problem in life what do i have? what can i do ?
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