
What can I do with my stubborn husband? (details inside)?

What can I do with my stubborn husband? (details inside)?He has CHF, Asthma, and other health problems. Past 2 weeks off and on i guess hes been taking 'gout medication' to get rid of this gout in his hand. But I dont think hes took it for about 4 days now. Lately hes been quiet and when he sits and watches tv, and he sees im not looking, he starts breathing hard. Hes been having this wet cough too. When im lookin he doesnt breath hard. He seems to be trying to hide it from me. My son who is 15 has been really concerneed and asks him if hes okay. His reply is "im okay, dont worry". Even my son thinks he isnt feeling good. He has a weak heart and gets short of breath easily. But he just isnt acting himself.

He claims its the pills making him sleep. I think its his lungs filling up again.

What should I do about this? Its 3 AM and I cant sleep thinking about it. Even my son is up. My husband is asleep in the bedroom.

Hes on tons of medications. Would any of them cause mucus?
He's known for his lungs to fill up and then we have to call 911 and have him rushed to the hospital to get the fluid out. The last 2 times he almost didnt make it. It seems like he wouldve learned his lesson about coming and telling me when he isnt feeling right. Hes dont this for the past 7 years. I dont know, maybe he wants to die and is depressed because he doesnt feel like a man nomore.
Well, his breathing just standing 7 feet away isnt bad. He isnt wheezing or anything. Just acting short of breath and tired. It could be the meds making him tired and it could be his lungs filling up with fluid. If he isnt any better tommorow, im going to advise him to watch his water intake and hopefully get him into the doctor monday.

Hang in there, momma!

While I'm afraid I don't know if his medications or other issues are causing his problems - I DO believe that YOU know when something is wrong with him.

Men are really terrible about taking care of their health - I don't know why.

So - maybe try a different tactic? When he's awake and it's just you & him. Talk to him. Tell him that you love him and it scares you that you might lose him. Tell him that you know he thinks you are making a fuss, but you would feel so much better if he went to the doctor. Tell him you've been up all night worried about him. (I would suggest NOT mentioning ANY of his current health issues - this is something you are asking him to do for you. You know you are being silly or whatever, but you really really want him to do it. I know your shoulders are strong enough to ask him to do this as a favor to you! That - sometimes - helps them see things differently. Sometimes not. But either way, just let him know how much you love him and worry and how much better you would feel if he would go get checked out.)

Best of luck!!!

~ peace ~
Oh my I'm sorry to hear that :(
I would watch him closely... how does it sound when he is breathing? Does it sound normal? Can you measure his BP & Pulse? You could just call 911 and ask them for advice...
It is hard to say anything here on.. ya to help you..
you said he is on a bunch of different meds... they could cause a reaction in his lounge etc.
I'd say to be on the safe side just have the paramedics come and check his BP etc.
Good Luck!... may God bless you & your family :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: What can I do with my stubborn husband? (details inside)?

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