
Several different kinds of body pains?

Several different kinds of body pains?I am a 20 almost 21 year old female, weigh about 110, i am hypothyroid. Lately, i have been having several different pains throughout my body. I wake up every other morning and my LEFT INDEX finger will not bend and is in a lot of pain. This has happened about 7 times. My right shoulder also goes through phases of excruciating pain! To the point where i can only move it certain ways. My LEFT BIG TOE also goes through phases as well as my LEFT wrist. Today is day 6 of severe chest pain. Does anyone have any MEDICAL facts they can share with me? I have a dr. apt set up i am just preparing myself and doing my own research. Here are a couple things:

angina due to thyroid?
or im just dying?

thanks :)

are you sexually active? There is an STD that causes "arthritis" in one joint at a time, and can switch around to different places.

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