
Repeatedly says he wants to hangout, but never actually does..?

Repeatedly says he wants to hangout, but never actually does..?To make a long story short..the guy i was sort of dating/seeing for the past year n half or so went to jail & rehab recently.he was in for a few months n the day he gout out he called me n said how he missed me and wanted to see me. so we made plans & when the time to hangout came he didnt call.and after that happened it happened again twice. what i dont understand is HES the one who tries to make plans to hangout with me but then flakes.it really sucks cause i cared for him & i thought he did too..he said he did.i dont know why hes doing this =/ he lives 90 minutes away from me & doesnt drive so its rare when hes in my area. i know hes been through alot of crap & is working, trying to get his crap together and hes only 19. im 21 and am way more mature than him and know what i deserve but i just feel for him & miss him, but this is BS. theres no reason for him to do this..after all ive done for him & been there for him. do i try harder or drop everything & walk away? just see if he ever comes around? if he ever does.. I feel like theres nothing more i can do to make it clear i miss him and want to see him.

small wonder
hey.. you didn't mention why he was sent to jail or rehab.. maybe the reason for him not been able to fulfill his commitments is that he has fallen back into the bad circle he was earlier..
he makes all plans to meet, then gets drunk or high on drugs n forgets about all his commitments. that's just a possibility.
if you know where he lives., why not give him a visit. surprise visit. but don't go alone. that would help you ensure if he has really improved in rehab or has he gone back to being what he earlier was.

all the best. i'm sure if all is not well with him, you will make it. after all you love him n i'm sure he does dat too!!

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Orignal From: Repeatedly says he wants to hangout, but never actually does..?

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