
Please help this dream is really bothring me?

Please help this dream is really bothring me?Ok in the first dream I had a bunch of people and I where skating in this giant indoor room. I went over to a wall to rest for a while and these four guys come in and one of them smiles and waves at me (let's call him jo) like we've been friends for ever. He looked familiar like three guys friends that I know meshed together, not bad looking at all, but I had no memory of him in the dream. A while later he came up to me and put his arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek. Then it changed to my high school and we were sitting on the couches in the library talking. It was dark out side but the moon light light up the area we were in giving of a kind of bluish glow. His arm was still around my waist and I didntknow who he was let alone his name. We sat there with my head on his shoulder for about three hours if my watch in the dream was right. when we got up he said he would drive me home but when we gout outside my mom, dad, and their friends were in a car waiting for me even though it was four thirty in the morning. When I got to the car jo picked me up bridal style and set me in the car and said good night my querida. Then I woke up. Please explain what this means because I keep having dreams similar to this with him in it.

Where is one this when I was sleep I had a dream before 2 days ago . It's like a danger place when the tiger is in front of me. And tiger start to eat . Can you please help me for this dream what do I need to do ?

Crispja Hoyn
I think it's bothering you because deep down it creeps your instincs out. In reality if this happened you couldnt really know if this guy was a killer or a rapist fullfilling his fantasy to take your heart.

Maybe with all the answers you'll get here, you'll choose what you want to hear.

I believe dreams are preperations or contemplations of the mind.

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Orignal From: Please help this dream is really bothring me?

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