Medical question - Kidneys?I recently found out that my mom's side of the family has kidney disease and diabetes, and it tends to show up in almost everyone related to my mom's mom/my grandmother (she has stage 4 kidney disease). I am 28, I have gout - severe at times -, and have recently started to do smoothies in the morning with a multitude of berries, apples, strawberries, and only 1 banana between 3 people. I never was much in to potassium, however, I read that potassium is in many foods, so making a low potassium diet is quite difficult. About the 3rd or 4th day of smoothies I began to urinate quite frequently and am having kidney pains. Also, in the last few months, I have had muscle cramps, knee pain that lasted 3 weeks, and heart beat issues. I was worked up exactly a year ago and everything came back normal except the uric acid. Gout is an indicator of kidney functionality, my family has a history, and potassium increase began urination and pain. Am I being a hypochondriac or is it worth the Emergency room visit to get my potassium levels checked out while I am having the issue?
My grandmother can have no potassium.
I drink a lot of water, almost no coke/pepsi/corn syrup (use maple syrup), only chicken, ground turkey, soy products and some pork, veggies, etc... over all healthy diet.
Dr Hansen
Don't go to the A&E. Go to your GP.
It sounds like you have your diet well controlled and I think that that's the key to kidney disease. So I think that although you probably will develop kidney disease in the end, you shouldn't be too worried at the minute.
Good luck.
whats the question??
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gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.
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Medical question - Kidneys?
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