
Is there any home remedies to fight off frequent gout attacks?

Is there any home remedies to fight off frequent gout attacks?I take allopurinol daily now but still have frequent attacks.

lainey lain
Have you tried diet modification? If you are having frequent attacks you need to be further evaluated by MD. In the interim avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, shellfish, meat, etc. Also drink 6-8glasses of water/day. Good Luck!

Amian G
I agree with the first answerer, that does sound like lots of gout attacks especially after having taken allopurinol daily.

What would be helpful for the time being is to reduce risk factors involved in gout:
- purine rich foods - e.g. herring, liver, salmon
- being overweight
- alcohol intake (over 2 drinks a day)
- high cholesterol
- high blood pressure
- diabetes - glucose control is helpful
- arteriosclerosis
- high sugar soft drinks http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_60663.html
- certain medications/supplements (consult with doctor about alternatives) - diuretics (e.g. thiazides), niacin, aspirin, cyclosporines, some drugs used to treat cancer


If you and your doctor are still having trouble relieving the frequent attacks, there are also many clinical trials for new gout treatments, they often offer treatments for free as well as complementary medical personnel follow up at

Jeanna E
Check out Webm.d. on your web browser.

pink tulip
This website provides good guidance for "Gout Treatment" and many useful info about Gout.
Hope you find it useful.
All the Best.


I am sorry to here that you are still suffering attacks of gout while on Allopurinol. It is rare when this happens.

There are three things you can do.

First is to talk with your doctor. Many people who do not respond well to Allopurinol alone can find relief by combining is with colchicine.

Second is to learn which foods are high in purines and avoid them. Gout is cause when your body stops producing and enzyme that processes purines from foods and because of this turns them into uric acid. Here is a link that shows you which foods to avoid.


Third is to learn which foods can help you avoid a gout attack. Here is an article that shows you which foods are beneficial.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Do you find what you need? Look here!

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