
how can I cure gout at home?

how can I cure gout at home?I have been suffering from attacks of gout for over 10 years and have not found any solution for the problem. Please give me some advise as to how I can get rid of this problem forever. Thank you for your help

my dad had gout. I do not. If i did i would "try to get it"................i think in doing so, your answers would come more easily.

I would also get and read the book, THE ONLY CURE TO CANCER. It talks about having to much acid in your body and how to balance it. I believe it would be VERY similiar in many ways.

Gout is linked to diet and lifestyle, so to control it, you need to make dietary and lifestyle modifications. First in importance is avoiding foods rich in purines. Eat more non-fat/low fat dairy products. You should also maintain a proper weight, stay adequately hydrated, preferably with water, and avoid alcohol and soda pop (even diet soda pop).

Over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can help with pain, but some intractable cases may need prescription medications, at least during the acute phase.

NO alcohol, lots of fluids, healthy foods and lifestlye. Some people are prone to get it and it comes back easily as well. It's hereditary and runs in families. Sometimes, lifestyles from years ago will bring up gout later on. It's your body's way of paying you back.....

Hemen Ee
Gout is becoming a common illness in the modern society, more and more people are suffering from the torturing pain of gout and the most pathetic part of this notorious disease is that most of the common gout drugs prescribed by the doctors can only temporarily numb the pain but none of them can stop the future attacks of the awful gout inflammations.

The most ironic part of the story is that not only those gout drugs cannot cure the problem, they even make the health condition of the patient become worse! Those steroidal pain killers the patients take will only create permanent damage to the liver and kidneys in the long run.

Most 'gout newbies' do not believe this sad reality and tend to opt for those instant fix as told by the doctors. Yes! Colchicine really does help in reducing the pain and inflammation of the swollen big toe, but as your urid acid levels remain high and the gout attacks become more often, even the maximum dosage of Colchicine will not make any difference. As a matter of fact, Colchicine is a poison, too much of it or overdose can create serious side effects.

Then come another drug known as allopurinol which is said to be able to lower the level of uric acid, which is the root cause of gout. Again, it works as claimed (if you do not suffer from the side effects such as skin rashes and stomach ache), but it can only suppress the uric acid level for a short period of time. It does not help to remove the uric acid or urate crystals that have already formed and hiding inside the joints.

Enough said about those gout drugs which you are familiar with. One thing for sure is that if any of those really works, you won't be reading this now. You are just now most of the awaken gout victims out there in search of alternative treatments which is natural and really effective in getting rid of the root of the problems, which is uric acid.

The name itself has already given a big clue towards the ultimate solution of gout. You don't have to search high and low for whatever magical pills that said to be able to cure your gout instantly. The ultimate answer can be just as simple as... Alkaline!

Simple science, in order to effectively get rid of acids, all you need is something that is alkaline to neutralize the acidic and water to flush out those neutralized toxins. You can the alkalinity for you body either through eating more green vegetables which is high in alkaline minerals or drinking alkaline water with high pH.

There are 2 organs responsible for the disposal of uric acid in the body and those important organs are liver and kidneys. In order to stimulate them to work more effectively in throwing out the excess uric acid, you need to 'massage' them either with foot reflexology or accupressure. I have found this great website that explain gout in a new paradox and suggest a more sensible solution to gout...

Most cases of gout are caused by lifestyle and diet, but in some instances there could be more severe problems at hand. First get diagnosed by your doctor to eliminate any physical problems, if ok then a low purine diet is best to start with.
Foods that have lower purine can include: fish, meat, and poultry (preferably white meat). However, the consumption of these should be limited to no more than six ounces per day. So far, in spite of these limitations, there are plenty of other foods gout sufferers can still enjoy. Low-fat cheeses, eggs, milk, nuts, and regular yogurt are excellent substitutes for many types of meats. Different types of breads and cereals are also acceptable except ones containing whole grain, or oatmeal. Biscuits cakes, and pastas such as macaroni, noodles, and spaghetti; most kinds of fruit and vegetables; and polished rice and its products are some other foods that can be on the everyday diet for gout.

Alcohol consumption should be avoided completely during a gout attack, and then limited to no more than one or two drinks a day after a gout attack. .Water has also been shown to lower uric acid by flushing the body of excessive uric acid by way of the urinary track. Drinking eight ounces of water eight times a day is recommended. Cherry juice is also beneficial especially during a gout attack to help reduce inflammation and give gout relief.

Some other diet for gout choices might include: oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, and various types of nuts that have low-purine content. US researchers believe that the benefits of Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables are twofold, easing inflammation and lowering uric acid levels that go haywire in a gout attack. Therefore, gout sufferers should experiment to see what foods should be on their menus and always as a precaution should consult their doctor before attempting any home remedies or self diagnoses.

Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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