
Does a sprained ligament hurt straight away?

Does a sprained ligament hurt straight away?I was doing toe-raises in the morning, the next day I had terrible pain at the base of the big toe. I would have thought Id have the pain straight away. Im asking because ive previously had gout (drinking excessive amounts of alcohol) and the symptoms can be similar. I know I should see a doc, but am just wondering about the sprain pain delay.

Sounds like ligament inflammation, like when you over work a muscle. Don't use over use it. Ice every night when it starts to feel better and you start you toe raises again, warm the area and message before exercise, message and ice after. Do not use if inflamed again.

If it extends under the foot to the heel it is called plantar fasciitis

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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