
Can give me your views and answers to these questions? Thanks..?

Can give me your views and answers to these questions? Thanks..?You can just answer one qu.
a) The oldest authenticated age to which anyone has lived is 120 years (Sigechiyo Izumi of Japan). Claims of people living to much greater ages have all been proven to be false.

Question: Can you suggest two reasons as to how these false claims come about?

b) Match the medieval cures to the diseases below:


1. Ringworm
4.Skin Disease
5.Loss of Memory
6.Sleeplessness (Insomia)
9.Blocked up nose
10.Bleeding inside the body


a. Eat powdered emeralds
b. Eat ginger
c. Stuff custard mixture up the nose
d. A plaster of Bacon Fat and flour
e. Eat treacle
f. Wash the hair in a boy's pee
g. Wear a dried toad in a bag round te neck
h. Cover sore spot with skin of a wolf
i. Apply a plaster of goats droppings mixed with rosemary herb and honey
j. Breathe in the smoke of burnt feathers

c) Many 3rd world countries have mass population growth since they encourage it etc.

Question to C:
What do you think is the best way to control mass opulation growth?
Please.... even one answer will do..... please....I just want to see your views, okay, just answer C then, anything. but PLEASE JUST ANSWER ME! Even if you only say, "Hi" I don't care, the lack of writing is getting me down.

Oh great one ... he who must do his own homework! Goodnight oh great one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: Can give me your views and answers to these questions? Thanks..?

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