
what are the side affects of indomyacin for treatment of gout?

what are the side affects of indomyacin for treatment of gout?I have a friend that has gout and is worried about the medication side effects, does anyone know the negitive effects?

I'm assuming you're talking about indomethacin, brand name (Indocin), a common treatment for gout. Think of indomethacin as a beefed up version of ibuprofen or Motrin. It is in the same class of medications.

That said, it's side effects mimc ibuprofen, but seem to be a little stronger. The most common side effect is upset stomach or heartburn - if this happens you can counteract this with an antacid like maalox or Tums. Sometimes, people say it can cause a little dizziness. So for the first few times, stay away from driving until you can assess it's effect on you.

You also shouldn't take indomethacin if you have kidney problems.

It's usually a very well tolerated medication, and you won't have to take it too long to get over the gout flare. If indomethacin doesn't do the trick, there are alternative treatments. Good luck to your friend.

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