
Unknown Itchy Rash On Toes and Fingers?

Unknown Itchy Rash On Toes and Fingers?Ok, I've had this rash for a long time. The rash is just bumps that are lumpy, small, and recently their surrounded by smaller rounder bumps that have spread onto the top of my foot near my toes and on the side of my right index finger which has never happened before. I went to the doctor once a while ago, and she had no idea what it was, she just gave me antibiotics which didn't help at all. The rash does not secrete any fluids, it just itches like mad. When I get out of a very hot shower, I've noticed that some of the larger lumpy bits on my toes will turn a little black then go back to normal.
The rash comes around summer and winter, august in summer, ends around September, then it comes again late December and lasts till early spring.

My dad has all sorts of weird medical conditions such as gout and eczema so it may be a hereditary thing. Frankly, I don't care anymore, I just want something to make the itching to stop as it keeps me up at night, but knowing what it is would probably help to. If anyone needs pictures to better diagnose the problem, I'd be happy to give them. Thank you.

Please seek another doctor for your problem. eczema is tricky it is a wild range of rashes under the eczema family. your problem sounds like a start to a larger problem if you don't seek a dermatologist.
In the mean time buy you some cortizone cream over the counter. It may or may not help it depends on how sever the rash is at this time.

The main cause of eczema is overreaction of the immune system. Identifying certain foods, chemicals, etc can be very helpful in battling this disease. I try to avoid soy and milk products which trigger my flare-ups.
After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments.
Now I use serenaskin herbal remedies , which aim at the root of the disease - the immune system, and are steroid-free.
After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my skin has been cleared up and now I just continue with eczema extract, which controls the immune system. My skin has been clear for months now.
It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: Unknown Itchy Rash On Toes and Fingers?

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