
I am 12 years old i think i have big toe gout.?

I am 12 years old i think i have big toe gout.?I am 12 years old i think i have big toe gout.My big toe hurts when i flex it back and forth.It hurts on bottom of my foot at the start of my big toe.Please help me.Is it big toe gout?Or what else?What should i do?

Hard to say. At 12 you are rather young to have it. It usually appears when you are older.

It will be bright red in color and warm to the touch.

Best to go see the doctor with it. They will be able to tell you, and start you on drugs to get rid of the pain, and then hopefully never get another gout attack.

Nobody gets gout at 12 that I know of. It's far more likely you have sprained or subluxated your big toe somehow, with a sports fall or bad shoes.

Give your answer to this question below! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

Orignal From: I am 12 years old i think i have big toe gout.?

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