
How do you treat a 82 year old women with PVD and gout with limb swelling?

How do you treat a 82 year old women with PVD and gout with limb swelling?My grandmother is having a lot of pain in her foot due to massive swelling and black and blue colored toes. She currently has PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease) as well as gout. She has had this before but not at this scale and it usually clears up after a few days but this time it has been about a week and things haven't gotten better. She is taking blood pressure, circulation and cholesterol medication, none of which should cause this as a side effect.

So far what I have told her to do is elevate her feet to help with the swelling, soak in Epsom Salt and not walking on it to allow healing but her feet is still swollen after 7 days of bed rest. When I check her feet when it is elevated it seems less swollen but once she puts her feet below heart level, it seems to swell again. When I brought her to see the doctor, all the doctor said was "she has arthritis" and left after 2 mins of seeing her. No help what so ever. I can guarantee that is the wrong diagnosis. Does anyone else know what else to do to help relieve some of the swelling and pain? Thanks!

Push her down the basement stairs.

she may have congestive heart failure. cont to elevate legs as tolerated. check info on diet/foods that make gout worse, as in lentils and other foods....

I'm not sure about the PVD, I'm not familiar with it, but I do know gout, I've had if for 11+ years.

Things to help relieve the swelling and pain...

1) Get an appointment with the doctor, and tell the doc to write a script for indomethacine or colchicine. Either will help with the inflammation of gout. Gotta get the uric acid crystals out of the joint, and anti-inflammatories are a good way to do it.

2) Your grandma needs to drink lots of water. I understand that her getting up and going to the bathroom might be a horrible experience, but getting the kidneys functioning will help get rid of uric acid.

3) Have her eat cherries, celery.

4) Read up at www.best-gout-remedies.com for other ways to reduce swelling and pain.

Good luck to her and you!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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