
How did you help stop your "gout attacks"?

How did you help stop your "gout attacks"?I had my first gout attack a couple of months ago. I have had them 4 times since then. I have been to foot doctor who helped with some predisone. I still get the attacks. How can I stop these gout attacks?

I know a few people who have had these attacks. My suggestion of course is to only eat organic. Ok that aside you may also try eating cucumbers. I dont know if it works I just heard that it does.

Cut mushrooms and shellfish completely out of your diet, They don't cause gout but are triggers for attacks. Like don't even eat anything that has touched a mushroom or crab or shrimp!

Michael S
Stop drinking beer and eating fried food.

Eat "Bing Cherries" and drink cherry juice. Cut out the beer and the shell fish. Try a nutritional program that will help you to stay healthy

have you tried cataplam, i am not sure of the correct spelling but always ask the staff counter when you buy medicines from the drugstore . . . IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Gout - information, symptoms and treatments. Googout.info health information factsheet - advice on gout and its symptoms, causes and treatment, plus prevention through diet.

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