Gout is a genetic defect type of disease..these ppl who have gout cant eat food containing purines*amino acids*
The accumulations of uric acids in the joints areas where it gets less blood flow but exposed to environment factors such as fingers,toes, they bcome crystallised..and when the joint moves,the crystals causes hurt,inflammations due to frictions with the sharp edges of the crytals against our biological soft tissues in the joint
NO we cant cure gout but we can control the disease from gettin worse..
Wine and some other porducts contain properties which may aggrevate gout attacks due to its contents..
go to doctors and they ll give u wat s save to be consume and whats not..
no good diet will help
Gout doesn't come from alcohol consumption, but wine can aggravate it. It is from a build up of uric acid.
My father in law has it, along with my two brothers in law. Peanuts REALLY set it off for them!
Orignal From: Can GOUT be cured? How ? Does GOUT come from wine and alcohol consumption?
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