
how to reduce gout pain immediately after getting a gout attack,foods to be taken ,and natrural home remedies?

how to reduce gout pain immediately after getting a gout attack,foods to be taken ,and natrural home remedies?

It is not immediate, but cherries in any form ie: fresh, frozen, canned, can help to reduce the uric acid that builds up in the joints.Avoid any red meats including steak should be highly avoided along with shellfish, organ meats, sardines, alcohol, and others which can trigger a gout attack. But in managing gout, a healthy diet is key. If you are overweight your doctor may suggest you go on a weight loss plan because obesity may be linked to high uric acid levels in the blood. People with gout can probably eat any food in moderation, but an excess of foods high in uric acid may cause a flare. Your physician may recommend a consultation with a nutritionist also.

Can Gout Pain Treatment Really Help?

Article by Larissa Andrews

What can aid in treating gout pain? All of us are aware what kind of pain gout can give. Those who have gone through that suffering would absolutely know. Here are some of the pain remedies that we have published hoping that you can find something useful that you may not know or have not tried before. We believe that most of us would want to achieve gout pain relief in the natural way. Tactics in Relieving Pain

. Even if you are taking prescribed drugs such as colchicines and indomethacin, cherry fruit juice, baking soda or whatsoever, the most important trick to deal gout pain is to be alert and act quickly by taking your prescribed medicine. If you don't take your medicine as soon as you feel the pain, it will become inflamed and the pain might go deeper and permanent. That only means that you should bring your gout medication with you all the time anywhere you go, which is unless you are certain that you would not have a gout attack. Even though it means that you have to bringing a jug of cherry juice wherever you go.

Natural Remedies to Alleviate the Pain

Which would you try, cold or hot compress? Putting ice or cold compress seems to work the best. With a survey conducted from patients with gout, all 20 of them preferred the ice over hot in treating the pain. This kind of gout treatment requires you to position the ice where the pain is felt for more than 10 to 15 minutes. However, this treatment shouldn't take long for it can cause the uric acid to crystallize as well as in other conditions.

You have to do this gout pain treatment intermittently the whole day, with only 10 to 15mins per session. This treatment was initially prescribed for foot gout but it also works well with wrists, elbows, knees and hand pains if the twinges are felt in any of those spots. Applying ice water on pain afflicted area can also be done. Make sure to keep the part warm where the gout pain was felt after the cold treatment. The reason for this is for not to form crystallization of the uric acid.

Have you ever seen gout stools selling online, like eBay? Those stylish ones are from the 19th century. It was used during that time by people who suffer from gout pain to support their feet as they spend the whole night sitting in a comfortable armchair. This gout pain treatment keeps it on the feet but if it is in the knees and feet, it should be lift up and relaxed.Here Are Other Natural Gout Pain Remedies

• Cherries -fresh, dried or its juice can make stop the pain. But then again, this will depend on each patient's situation.• Strawberries - others say that strawberries worked for them than cherries (and vice versa). Some even say that it helps them more than taking medicines. • Celery seeds - due to a study conducted, the extract from the seeds of celery can relieve gout pain. True enough. However, a study also shows that in some cases, when this gout pain treatment is discontinued, the pain returns.• Turmeric - the curcumin found in turmeric is said to relieve pain.• Baking Soda - other people say that they felt better after taking it, while others didn't experience any comfort. If you would like to try this, you should first your doctor on how and when to take it.• Omega 3 and 6 - these oils can ease the percentage of pain, inflammation, and swelling due to gout. Though it doesn't give instant result, taking it regularly can help and neutralize the pain.• Apple Cider (vinegar) and of course drinking plenty of water is also a natural gout pain treatment that you should try.

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When we talk about this subject it will be beneficial to also know about Gout Treatment Gout Home Remedies and be informed about Remedies For Gout.

Orignal From: how to reduce gout pain immediately after getting a gout attack,foods to be taken ,and natrural home remedies?

what is the best way to control gout problem?

what is the best way to control gout problem?

Cherry juice and/or cherries, daily.Avoid sugar, corn syrup, completely, unless eating fruit, but must still balance diet. Never use any high fructose corn syrup product! The acid remains in place to inflame tissue for days!
Gout is partly due to lack of proper cell replication, which is inhibited by glucose made from sugar. Glucose is proven the leading cause of aging.Diets which are high in purines and high in protein have long been suspected of causing an increased risk of gout.

Foods very high in purines include:


Foods moderately high in purines include:


Obesity can be linked to high uric acid levels in the blood. People who are overweight should consult with their doctor to decide on a reasonable weight-loss program. Fasting or severe dieting can actually raise uric acid levels and cause gout to worsen.

Usually people can eat what they like within limits. People who have kidney stones due to uric acid may need to actually eliminate purine-rich foods from their diet because those foods can raise their uric acid level.

Consuming coffee and tea is not a problem but alcohol can raise uric acid levels and provoke an episode of gout. Drinking at least 10-12 eight-ounce glasses of non-alcoholic fluids every day is recommended, especially for people with kidney stones, to help flush the uric acid crystals from the body.dont eat sugar itz ok eating fruitWhat Should You Eat when you are diagnosed with gout?

Dietary restrictions suggest what people should not eat, but what should people eat? What foods will help control gout attacks? The American Medical Association recommends the following dietary guidelines for people with gout, advising them to eat a diet:

high in complex carbohydrates (fiber-rich whole grains, fruits, and vegetables)

low in protein (15% of calories and sources should be soy, lean meats, or poultry)

no more than 30% of calories in fat (with only 10% animal fats)

Recommended Foods To Eat:

Fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and other red-blue berries
Vegetables including kale, cabbage, parsley, green-leafy vegetables
Foods high in bromelain (pineapple)
Foods high in vitamin C (red cabbage, red bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins, oranges, potatoes)
Drink fruit juices and purified water (8 glasses of water per day)
Low-fat dairy products
Complex carbohydrates (breads, cereals, pasta, rice, as well as aforementioned vegetables and fruits)
Chocolate, cocoa
Coffee, tea
Carbonated beverages
Essential fatty acids (tuna and salmon, flaxseed, nuts, seeds)
Tofu, although a legume and made from soybeans, may be a better choice than meat

Foods considered moderately high in purines but which may not raise the risk of gout include: asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, peas, spinach, whole grain breads and cereals, chicken, duck, ham, turkey, kidney and lima beans. It is important to remember that purines are found in all protein foods. All sources of purines should not be eliminated.Principles
A low - purene, low - protein, easily digestible diet with a liberal fluid intake is advised

Obese persons may be more prone to gout. The body weight should be reduced to normal. A heavy meal supplying high calories should be avoided, as it tends to precipitate an attack.

Proteins and purines
Meats having high protein content, such as fish (herrings, salmons and sardines), sweet bread, liver, kidney, milk extracts and meat soup are always excluded. Flesh in the form of meat, fish and fowl is excluded during an acute attack. About 60 grams of protein a day is adequate, preferably supplied as vegetable and milk proteins.

Fat consumption is restricted, partly because its ingestion tends to cause detention of urates by the kidney, and partly to prevent obesity.

During an attack of gout the main source of calories should be carbohydrates, because of its protein sparing effects which

A liberal intake of fluid should be advised to ensure a daily excretion of about 2000 ml of urine.

Tea and coffee contain methyl purines which are not converted by the body into uric acid. About 2 to 3 cups a day are permitted.

There appears to be individual susceptibility to an attack of gout after ingestion of alcohol. Stopping alcohol may prevent attack of gout.
Gouty patients usually tolerate a couple of ounces of white wine or whisky, but not beer, stout, or red wines.gout was known long time back in the middle ages ,as the kings disease ,due to poverty only the rich would get it ,becoz of eating high protein and purines diet,best diet for you is lots of fluids ,and less proteineous food ,less red meat,chciken ,fish ,mushrooms ,beans,try to eat a light diet and smaller amounts of high protein food,and plenty of fluids

To end the nightmare of Gout for yourself or for a loved one.

Article by Gout Treatment

Orignal From: what is the best way to control gout problem?


Gout Natural Cures That Work - 5 Easy Steps

Gout Natural Cures That Work - 5 Easy Steps

www.goutremoval.com The only way to truly be gout free is to completely eliminate the cause for the gout. That is take control of the uric acid by changing your diet. You can begin by avoiding foods that are high in purines, taking vitamins, exercising, using herbs and supplements.

Cure- Dr Edwards' UK
gout cure

Image by Michael Till

Orignal From: Gout Natural Cures That Work - 5 Easy Steps